Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/8/11 Chloe Has a BooBoo

Poor Rolo. Monday night, after Dada came home, Chloe was running around the house playing with him and she slipped on the wood floor and split her lip. :(  LOTS of blood, but it stopped pretty quickly. Now she's left with a pretty ugly, fat lip. She can't stop talking about her booboo and I'm constantly having to kiss it (or kiss around it) and tell her that it's "all gone!"

Other than her booboo obsession, today we went to our second to last music class of this session, ran some errands and then came home to Mona cleaning the house. These days are always tricky because it's impossible for Chloe to get her nap at the normal time because of all of the noise that Mona makes. She did OK with a little later nap luckily. When she woke up she wanted to go outside, which was good because there's not going to be much outside time left, but it's soooooooooo cold!! I bundled her all up and she ran around in circles, even with her hood on.

As a side note, she has been crazy with the objects that she must sleep with each night. Right now it's her silver Tiffany's spoon, the yellow plastic spoon that goes to her baby kitchen set AND a toy plastic bottle that goes to one of her babies. There's usually always some other random object that must go in there with her too. Her crib looks like a toy box and I've actually had to hide some of the things from her shelves (like a giant snowglobe) because otherwise she'll ask to sleep with them and I'm worried the big heavy objects will wake her up in the middle of the night. Oye.

Chloe decided Scout's bed looked like a nice place to hang.
Trying to get a pic of her fat lip, but she won't let me get close enough with the phone.

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