Saturday, November 26, 2011

11/25/11 Happy Thanksgiving, Part 2!

After staying the night at Noni and Nono's we headed over to Rancho Murieta for Thanksgiving with the Renwicks. We were lucky enough that everyone (including Michele, John, Nicholas, Goldy, and Rose) was willing to postpone Thanksgiving a day so that we could all enjoy it together. Chloe was in a pretty good mood today too, and played with her "bugs" and the dogs all day. It was impossible to get her to nap today also though, so by 5, after two days of no naps, she was about to lose it. She started walking around the house saying "bye-bye" to people and asking for the car before we even told her it was time to go. HAHA She crashed the moment we got in the car. A busy two days for her!

The smile she gave when I asked her to smile. :)

11/24/11 Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was Thanksgiving and we drove to spend the day at Noni and Nono's house. Chloe was in the BEST mood the whole day! She got to meet Great Uncle Al for the first time, and he gave her a really soft yellow duck with matching blanket that she loved. She went the whole day without a nap and I couldn't believe that she stayed happy all the way until the end. This was also her first holiday sitting at the dinner table with everyone for dinner.

11/23/11 Cold and Lazy Day at Home

It's days like today that I love not having to go to work. It was really cold and gloomy and I just didn't feel like doing anything but lay around in my pajamas. So today we did lots of indoor playing and later in the afternoon we did a 4:30 Gymboree class because our regular Friday class is closed due to Thanksgiving. When it didn't rain we bundled up and played outside. Chloe had me draw for hearts and we labeled them "Dada, Mama, Chloe and Scout" with each heart being a different size (dada being the largest, scout the smallest). She thought it was hilarious that there was a heart for each of us and kept jumping in and out of them. It was also pretty funny that she noticed that a plate to the outdoor light was sitting on the chair because Dada hadn't put it back together after checking the light bulb. Without me showing her that the plate went to the light she got up on the chair and tried to reach to put it back together.

Pretending her granola bar was a " dog bone".

So proud of herself for getting the letter D in the slot.

Running around in her new pink cowgirl boots from Summer.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/22/11 Baby Emily is Here!

Baby Emily Wixom was born this last Sunday (11/20/11) and Chloe and I drove to Sac today to go and visit her. I decided it was better if Chloe spent a couple of hours with Grandma so that I could get some real time with Emily (she has freaked out every time I've held a baby so far). So Grandma played with Chloe at the mall down the street for a couple of hours while I visited with Shell, Todd and Emily. When I went to pick Chloe up from the mall she had with her, big surprise, a new cow! Her biggest one yet...

11/21/11 Happy Birthday Scootie!! And Shoo Fly!

Today was kind of a lazy day. We had to stick around the house because a handyman was coming by to test out all of the smoke detectors and install new carbon monoxide detectors. Today also happens to be Scout's 5th birthday! Luck Scootie got tortured for her bday by Chloe. (pic below)

Chloe had a love hate relationship with a fly that's been trapped in our house for 3 days. I have no idea how it's managed to stay alive, but it's not going anywhere. Chloe discovered it today and chased it all around the kitchen. It would land on the floor, she'd chase it, and then it would land somewhere nearby again. She did this for like an hour, but for some reason when she woke up from her nap she decided it was a bee, not a fly, and was terrified of it! LOL Her friend turned into an enemy...

We ended the day coloring some Thanksgiving color pages together. :)

Had to Post This Picture!!!

I forgot to add this picture from the drive home from Fairytale Town last week and I just have to because it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen Chloe do. She has NEVER fallen asleep in a funny position because she's so particular about the way she has to sleep, but I looked back in the car and saw this and just about died. She fell asleep with the corner of the sunshade in her mouth!! I couldn't believe it.

11/18/11 Shopping Day for Chloe!

 This morning we went to Gymboree...and there were only 4 other kids there! It was a super small group but it was nice to be able to do something indoors during the rain. This next week Chloe turns 22 months which is the age for the next level, so I signed her up to be in the Level 5 class starting after Thanksgiving. It will be interesting to see how she does as one of the youngest instead one of the oldest in the group.

After Gymboree we went next door to Old Navy to see if they had any cute toddler clothes because she's been in need of some new winter things. They had a great sale and some super cute stuff! Chloe got two pairs of comfy pants, a pair of jeans, two pairs of tights, a long sleeved shirt, a sweater AND a new coat. Score for her! She's got more new winter clothes then me at this point! Which means mommy needs to stop buying things for Chloe. But it's so fun!

When we got home Chloe put on an "outerwear fashion show". :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/17/11 Fairytale Town!

Today we drove out to Sac and met Karina and Tucker for a trip to Fairytale Town! I was SO excited to take her because even though she's been to the Oakland version a few times, this is the one that I grew up going to. She absolutely loved it. And I have to say that I think the Sac one is better because there were so many live animals! Not only did she get to play on everything, but she got to see sheep, a cow, donkey, chickens, pigs and goats. It's like the perfect place for her! It's too bad we don't live closer.