Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/21/11 Happy Birthday Scootie!! And Shoo Fly!

Today was kind of a lazy day. We had to stick around the house because a handyman was coming by to test out all of the smoke detectors and install new carbon monoxide detectors. Today also happens to be Scout's 5th birthday! Luck Scootie got tortured for her bday by Chloe. (pic below)

Chloe had a love hate relationship with a fly that's been trapped in our house for 3 days. I have no idea how it's managed to stay alive, but it's not going anywhere. Chloe discovered it today and chased it all around the kitchen. It would land on the floor, she'd chase it, and then it would land somewhere nearby again. She did this for like an hour, but for some reason when she woke up from her nap she decided it was a bee, not a fly, and was terrified of it! LOL Her friend turned into an enemy...

We ended the day coloring some Thanksgiving color pages together. :)

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