Recently I've been feeling really guilty about the amount of TV time that Chloe's been getting, especially since she's obsessed with watching things on the iPad and laptop, so I've decided to start cutting back and ween her little by little. The amazing thing is that with the TV off, and especially with some music playing, she "reads" her books and plays SO much more than when it's on. This morning she watched about an hour (2 TV shows) then I turned it off. She only watched another 30 min while eating lunch (seems to be the only way to keep her at the table longer than 2 min).
I decided to try story time at the Benicia library again today. The first two times were kind of a fail. Each time she didn't want to sit and listen, loudly said, "All done." and ran out of the room. I was nervous to try again but she's a little older and closer to the actual age group which is 2-3. So we went and she did a little better. She didn't like the books, could care less (although the reader is really soft spoken and not entertaining at all) but she did participate in the dancing. She was over it by the second to last book, but at least we lasted almost the whole time. Afterwards we went to find more books and she, of course, found 2 cow puppets that she clung on to.
This afternoon we did our first ever seasonal project. I found a pre-cut, foam ghost at Michael's and had her finger paint it outside. She was a little iffy about getting her hands all dirty, but got the hang of it after I showed her it was OK. The cutest part was that I apparently made a "Swish" type sound will demonstrating so she imitated my sound every time she painted.